Nature tourism Island / Gulf Kiluan located in Pekon (village) Kiluan State, District Kelumbayan, Tanggamus Lampung suitable for Travelers who likes adventure. Hilly and valley topography is interesting to explore. The journey to the Gulf Kiluan has been a challenge for Travelers. Road on the West Coast of Sumatra that was not too smooth so that the necessary skills in driving a motor vehicle to pass through.
Beaches in the Gulf Kiluan suitable to be used as "Getaway Destination". We have been providing lodging or House Stage decent enough to be a place of stay of the visitor.
Beaches in the Gulf Kiluan suitable to be used as "Getaway Destination". We have been providing lodging or House Stage decent enough to be a place of stay of the visitor.
Documentation by Lentera Baraya Institut Pertanian Bogor
collection Dolphins in the Gulf Kiluan is the largest in Asia. In fact, in the World. Travellers who are interested to watch from near the Dolphins in natural habitat can rent a boat outrigger. If lucky, tourists can also watch the Green Turtle, which at times rose to the surface of the Sea. Not content to enjoy the natural scenery in the Gulf Kiluan, visitors can stay there.On this island you can see a collection Dolphins and hundreds of birds. There are at least two types of Dolphins in these waters, the first species is a Bottle Nose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) with a larger body and shy. The second species is Part Long Dolphins (Stenella longirostris) who was smaller and happy jumping.You also can go around the island by outrigger boat while enjoying the beautiful scenery. Late afternoon, you can see the black and hairy primate loud voice shouted to each other. Yes, gibbon (symphalangus syndactylus) and Hoop (Presbythis Melalops) as well as the slow loris (Nycticebus coucang). very often seen jumping from one tree to another. birds chirping was heard almost every morning and afternoon were able to soothe the mind. If lucky, tourists can also watch the Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) and Hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricate), which at certain times to pull over to the beach
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