On October 24-26 2015 Lentera Baraya IPB was climbed to Cikuray Mountain in Garut, Indonesia. Meeting point at Alumnus IPB Building in Bogor. Climb of coordinator is Usman as UT and Cepi Mangkubumi as Mamang.
Mount Cikuray is the fourth highest mountain in western Java after Mount Gede, Pangrango and Ciremai. Geographically
Cikuray mountain located south west Java province precisely in Garut
district, and is located on the border of districts Bayongbong,
Cikajang, and Dayeuh Manggung. This mountain has an altitude of 2,821 masl (meters above sea level).Garut regency known to have been cold and many tours including mountain Cikuray mountain. For hikers who have a long vacation or climbers from outside the
province normally do mountain climbing the mountain at the same Cikuray
thunder or papandayan because it is located within walking distance.HIKING TRAILS- Line Cikajang- Line Bayongbong- Line Dayeuhmanggung, Cilawu (heading transmitter)Cikajang lane is a longer path but the track is easier than the other lines. The road will pass through the estate via Cikajang citizens. In
addition, two other lines is a hiking trail and Dayeuhmanggung
Bayongbong could say almost the same, ie, the track tends to be shorter
than the path Cikajang only more steep and precipitous. For hikers, usually track via dayeuhmanggung, Cilawu is their favorite choice.Climbing Mount Cikuray of Cilawu can be reached from Garut. The
trip from the highway to get to the starting point of climbing is
Stasium TV transmitter can take about 2 hours to 3 hours on foot or can
use a motorcycle taxi is only about 40 minutes. To track road from the highway to the TV transmitter stations, can be
passed from Babakan Village Flea - Cisumur Village - Village Mekarsari -
TV transmitter stations.
1.Pick a nice day for a hike, try to avoid the rain
1.Pick a nice day for a hike, try to avoid the rain
2.Physical exercise a week before the big day
3.Prepare teams and equipment that will be taken. Do not forget to bring something eg favorite objects or writing to someone so I could photograph together on the summit
4.A solid team is 5-8 people. If a little try 3 (1 should've been up the mountain)
5.Do not underestimate safety. Wear sandals or hiking boots and mountain jacket. Bring enough food and water not too little and not too much. Most importantly do not break the rules and do not dispose of garbage on the mountain
6.To climb Cikuray we could go up in the morning or evening. If am good at 10-13. If the night 6-7Set up a tent in a flat and try shrouded in trees or bushes that are not directly exposed to the wind mountain
7.If there are members of the group could not continue the journey should be accompanied. Or if severe pain immediately notify the other groups.
4.A solid team is 5-8 people. If a little try 3 (1 should've been up the mountain)
5.Do not underestimate safety. Wear sandals or hiking boots and mountain jacket. Bring enough food and water not too little and not too much. Most importantly do not break the rules and do not dispose of garbage on the mountain
6.To climb Cikuray we could go up in the morning or evening. If am good at 10-13. If the night 6-7Set up a tent in a flat and try shrouded in trees or bushes that are not directly exposed to the wind mountain
7.If there are members of the group could not continue the journey should be accompanied. Or if severe pain immediately notify the other groups.
Following of Lentera Baraya IPB documentation
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